Selling over 6 million pairs of shoes in 2006 and with sales expected to even go higher this year, there is no doubt Crocs is now one of the most popular casual footwear in the world today. For Crocs to become the hottest shoe company in the world means it must be doing something right.

People who use Crocs often have multiple pairs. At just over $30 per pair, Crocs can be one of the most affordable yet flexible shoes in your shoe cabinet. Some of the biggest Crocs owners are women. Women love shoes, it's a language they understand the world over. It doesn't matter is a woman is in Europe or Asia, they know their shoe brands and they know what their feet love!

Crocs, even if far from being the most fashionable shoe brand in the market, is fast becoming a staple in many women's shoe closet. They are becoming the casual footwear of choice for women from all walks of life because of their practicality.

Crocs has also released many feminine designs over the last several seasons. Women were turned off by the wide design of the original Crocs designs can now purchase the newer models that are more slim and beautiful. Still, even with all the designs available from Crocs the top selling design for women remains the Crocs Beach.

The Crocs Beach, originally designed as a boating shoe remains the best-selling Crocs for women. With a wide toe box and air vents on top and on the side, it is one of the most comfortable shoes a woman will ever try on her entire life. The Beach model is popular for active moms, teenagers and even single women who like to go on outdoor adventures. The shoes are comfortable, molds to the feet and come in plenty of attractive colors that women can't resist.

The next best-selling Crocs design for women is the Crocs Mary Janes. Slightly less boxy than the beach model, the Mary Jane from Crocs still provides ample room for the toes and keeps feet comfortable. The Mary Janes are popular because they are more feminine and simple than the beach model but they are still lightweight and fun-looking. Many moms use the Mary Jane Crocs so that they can have the same footwear as their daughters. Mary Jane Crocs are also perfect for running simple errands, running around the house and even for going around town. They are great with pants, shorts and even flirty summer dresses.

Another popular Crocs design that completes the top 3 Crocs design for women is the Crocs Prima. Even Paris Hilton has been photographed wearing Primas in the beach. Decidedly feminine and simple, the Prima is one of the most versatile designs of Crocs. You can wear it with practically everything as they have been styled after the popular shoe style: ballet flats.


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