
Pink’s 2010 Grammy performance of “Glitter in the Air” was amazing, beautiful, and the best as of yet. Check out the video here. It is a must see, and must watch again!

I usually don’t prefer Pink’s performances. It’s not that I don’t like her; she is just not one of the main artist I look forward to watching during a special event such as the Grammy’s. But between her last MTV Video Music Award performance and tonight’s Grammy’s I think she has changed my mind.

Pink was beautiful and graceful as she sang “Glitter in the Air”. She was wearing a beautiful white robe, which she later removed for a body suit of white ribbon and flesh colored spandex. It really left nothing to the imagination, especially when the water works started! But she looked absolutely stunning. Her voice was amazing, and her performance was complete, once again, with some simple, yet amazing acrobatics in the air. She held on with one leg as water poured over her and she maintained the beautiful tone to her voice, never missing a beat.

Flying high above the stage, Pink and her backup dancers spun in circles and left the audience and viewers stunned. She received a standing ovation, and certainly won my respect.

Pink is up for two Grammys tonight. She lost the first nomination, but we have yet to see if she will win Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. She is up against Beyonce and Katy Perry.


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