When selecting a personal trainer the most important thing is their certification. This will insure that you are working with a professional who can provide you with a safe and effective program. It is important to find out which association they are certified with. Look for a nationally recognized association like A.C.E. (America Council on Exercise), Can Fit Pros, or the A.C.S.M. (American College of Sports Medicine) just to name a few. There are many companies that will “certify” someone that does not mean that they are accredited. Find out if the trainer participates in continuing education through conferences and workshops.
These are important questions to ask. Anyone can call himself or herself a personal trainer, you want someone who keeps up to date and who cares about their clients providing the best possible service and expertise.
Look for someone who can assist you if you have special needs. You may have past injuries, surgeries or physical limitations. If you are under a doctor’s care the trainer should discuss any concerns with your doctor and ask for a health screening or release from your doctor.
Personality plays a large part in choosing a trainer. Ask yourself if this is someone you like? Do you feel comfortable with them and confident in their abilities? Watch how they interact with their other clients and how they conduct themselves in the gym. Do they "walk the walk" or just "talk the talk". You want someone who exemplifies what you are looking for and represents fitness.
Ask around and get feedback from their clients, see how busy the trainer is. If people gravitate towards someone, chances are there is a reason! The personal trainer you choose should offer positive motivation and reinforcement. Ask yourself if you think you could get along well with the trainer and is this person sincerely interested in helping you. Finding a personal trainer who meets your criteria will always lead to better results and an enjoyable experience. Find out what the trainer charges. Rates may vary depending on whether they work in a health club and have to pay a fee, how far they have to travel etc. Just because a trainer charges high rates doesn’t make them better. Look at their years of experience and the length of the session.
Choosing the right personal trainer is important as you embark on your fitness journey. If you do not want someone to train with on a regular basis, meet with a trainer who will design your program. After filling out a health/lifestyle questionnaire he or she will be able to create a program especially for you. As professionals they will ensure you are performing the exercises correctly and safely and offer ongoing support and re-evaluation.
Not every program is for everyone. The main objective is wellness, of the body, mind and spirit. It is important to include cardiovascular conditioning, strength and endurance training and flexibility training. If one of these components is missing, imbalances may occur and the risk of injury is higher.
The personal trainer can also guide you on ways to relax and de-stress outside the gym. Relaxation and breathing exercises are excellent tools to learn to help deal with life, relationships etc... Fitness is not just about what we do when we exercise, it is a way of life. Setting your goals on Wellness” having a healthy well rounded life will give you a fit body mind and spirit. Until next time ......
source : fitbodybyphyl